Sunday, September 16, 2012

Jack's First Three Adventures on Kindle!

The big news of my week has been the publication of the first three Jack Haldean novels on Kindle!

Here's the link for

And here's the link for (USA)

They've been published as part of Severn House's Severn Select programme and the prices are very reasonable, at £3.60 in the UK and five dollars-ish in the USA.  So, if you missed Jack's first adventures, here's a chance to catch up.

I was very iffy about the idea of Kindles when they first came out.  I know some people don't like them, missing the touch and feel of a "real" book.  However, I took the plunge and was surprised how easy it was to use. It's certainly easier to travel with!  I used to take a stack of books on holiday with me (goodness knows why, as our holidays never have that chilled out, relaxing quality I always feel they should!) but now I've got one slim kindle and that's that.   As to which kindle to buy... Now that's another story!

On a completely different subject, i'm still in mourning for the Olympics, particularly now the Paralympics have been and gone.  Even the dog, Lucky (aka Tripod) decided to join in the

Still, Andy Murray did win the US Open.  Watch him on the Head advert on Youtube – Wow!

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